
Newsletter – Issue 7, December 2022

By 15/12/2022 December 30th, 2022 No Comments

…if it is contributing to the needs of others, let him give generously.

Romans 12:8

Paul is thinking of service which reaches beyond the limits of Christian fellowship because further
down in v13, there is an injunction to contribute to the necessities of the saints (C. E. B. Cranfield).

In our ministry, we certainly help people who aren’t in Christian fellowship.


Introducing more of our wonderful volunteer workers, Patrick and Nathalia. You can
read their resumes on Our People.


Here’s the testimony of the mum of this beautiful baby boy, born on 4th Oct. 2022:

Born October 4th, 2022

‘When I found out I was pregnant, the first thing that comes in my mind was a negative thought. As we are having a hard time to decide. I was searching up online when I saw the website of Hope House. We rang them and they gave us advice on having a baby that everything that is happening is what God’s decision. Me and my partner decided to follow their advice and I do believe that this is His sign of helping me, to trust Him more.

Since the day that I spoke to them it made me realise more that having a baby is a blessing and it made me to trust God. They supported me since the day that I called them emotionally and physically. I feel a lot better with their support as it helps me to become a better person and soon to be mum that time, they take me to my appointments and never missed it. Now we have a beautiful baby boy who’s 2-month-old. I can’t thank them enough for all that they have done for me and my baby. There’s always hope even if you think that you don’t.’

We are presently supporting another five mums.

Thank you for standing with us in your support and prayers

May you have a joyous Christmas and New Year.

The Hope House Team

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