
Newsletter – Issue 6, August 2022

By 11/08/2022 February 8th, 2023 No Comments

I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
Your works are wonderful,
I know that full well.

Psalm 139:14

‘After fertilisation has taken place, a new human being has come into being,’ stated the late Dr Jerome LeJeune, professor of genetics.

The newly fertilised egg, no larger than a grain of sugar, contains all the genetic information necessary to control the person’s growth and development for his entire lifetime. A single thread of DNA from a human cell contains the equivalent of 1000 books of information.

Within an hour of the father’s sperm fertilising the mother’s egg, the genetic blueprint is established. Long before the mother knows she is pregnant, there is within her a unique living human being (Documented by Science for Unborn Human Life).

We’d like to introduce to you some of our volunteer support workers:
L to R, Nadia, Emily, Cynthia.
You can read about us on the Our People page.

Presently, we’re supporting three mums.

Mum ‘E’ is very scared to be a single mum, but she is bravely continuing with her pregnancy.

Mum ‘ A’ is also a single mum, with a lot of problems regarding her ex-husband. She currently finds herself pregnant, and the father of the baby has abandoned her. We have been able to pray with this young mum, committing her and her problems to our Heavenly Father.

The partner of Mum ‘V’ rang our phone line a while back when she was 20 weeks pregnant and they were considering an abortion. She’s an International student, with no medicare. We talked to him, offering life-affirming advice and, 10 weeks later, they have rung us back asking for our help. A supportive pro-life Obstetrician is helping us with this young mum. We praise and thank God for this doctor.

God bless you as you support and take an interest in this work.

The Hope House Team

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