
Newsletter – Issue 10, December 2023

By 06/12/2023 December 26th, 2023 No Comments

I am not ashamed of the Gospel, because it is the power of God for the salvation of everyone who believes: first for the Jew, then for the Gentile.

Romans 1:16

Medical Abortion Pill – MS-2 Step

The Therapeutic Goods Administration has recommended to the Federal Government to approve changes to the Medical Abortion Pill. The changes have happened from Aug. 1st, 2023. GP’s don’t have to undergo special certification and registration through not-for-profit pharmaceutical company (MS Health) MethuSelah Health Care. They are part of Marie Stopes Reproductive Choices, who advocate children by choice not chance. All pharmacies can now dispense MS-2 Step like any other medication. Nurse Practitioners can prescribe, although limited in some States and Territories.

(SMH, AAP, The Guardian)

The battle against abortion is getting harder. But we continue to persevere with God’s strength.

Since our last Newsletter, we’ve supported three post-partum mums. One was referred to us by a large Sydney Hospital. And one mum in her pregnancy. She delivered this beautiful baby boy, recently. We acknowledge Pregnancy Help Sydney’s help giving financially towards 2 of these mums for a cot and electric breast pump.

Three reviews here by three of the mums in their own words:

Mum No. 1:
Q1. How did you hear about Hope House? Through a friend.
Q2. How did HH help you? Thanks to these ladies, I now have everything I need.

Mum No. 2:
Q1. My midwife mentioned you guys during my 2nd pregnancy.
Q2. In every way really. We have formula and food that will last us a while at least from what I’ve seen all you need to do is ask.

Mum No. 3:
Q1. I heard about HH through a web page at Pregnancy Support, South Western Sydney.
Q2. HH has various supports including crisis support for mums and bub who are in need. HH has a wide range of fantastic volunteers and workers who helps mothers to be encouraged to be in a better position. It has been a pleasure.

Wishing you God’s blessing this Christmas time! Thanks for your prayers and support in every way.

The Hope House Team

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