
Newsletter – Issue 12, August 2024

By 01/08/2024 August 8th, 2024 No Comments

In the past God spoke to our forefathers through the prophets at many times and in various ways. but in these last days he has spoken to us by his Son, whom he appointed heir of all things, and through whom he made the universe.

Hebrews 1:1-2

God is sending us mums to help and support, as many as we can handle. As the year progressed, the calls have picked up also.

Sharing a testimony of one young woman that I read about:

If only I had been informed about the baby I was carrying, if only someone had shown me a picture of a 12-week-old baby inside me. …The abortionists and their staff do not help; they do not inform you about the baby you are carrying.

(A Life Worth Keeping – The Abortion Debate)

Please pray for us as we answer our phone that by God’s help, we may provide the truth about pregnancy.

We have also had opportunities to share the Gospel and give Bibles to mums.

Nadia had the privilege of visiting a mum and her son, whom we helped, last year. As they came back to Sydney for the son’s check-up. As you can see from the photo, he’s doing well. And this family are still very grateful for the support HH gave them, during their difficult time.

Below is a testimony from a mother we’re supporting:

I found out I was pregnant 2 months after relocating to Australia. With no family or friends, I felt like I was alone with no one to turn to.

I reached out to HH desperate to talk to someone who wouldn’t judge me. HH did not only support me with words of encouragement- they helped with providing all the essentials I would need for this new journey.

Because of them, I was able to enjoy my pregnancy and love this blessing from God. HH did more for me than I expected and I will forever be grateful for their support.

We would like to acknowledge Smithfield Baptist Church’s help with delivering meals postpartum to ‘D’. We’re very grateful for their support.

Many thanks for your support and prayers.

The Hope House Team

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