And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.
Micah 6:8
May God help Hope House to do that.
According to figures from WHO, on average
73.3 million abortions are performed every year.
200,821 innocent children are killed per day.
8,367 per hour.
Hope House’s aim is to put a brake on this legalized killing. Pro-Lifers are banned from praying and protesting outside abortion clinics. Now you can do telehealth consultations with abortion clinics and the abortion pills are sent to you in the mail or by courier. If you are 16yrs or older, you can access this service.
Our pre-abortion calls are increasing. We offer them our help and give them life-affirming words. We put questions to them to make them think carefully about their pregnancy.
Examples of reasons, given for wanting an abortion are:
- I already have 5 children and don’t want this one.
- I suffer from anxiety and couldn’t handle another child.
- I’m an international student and, now is not the time for me to have a baby.
Please pray for Hope House so we can speak to these callers with love and care; pray that God uses our words to speak to them and they change their minds or accept our help.
We have mentioned baby ‘C’ in our last newsletter, and sadly he lost his fight for his little life and passed away on the 2nd of March. Please pray for his mum, at this difficult time for her.
One of our workers went to the funeral and the family was extremely grateful for the help Hope House gave this young mum.
God bless you and thank you for your support. We pray that Easter will be a special time of blessing for you.
Great work and love the “Our People” link and info.